
Meet the Team

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Penny Seithel

Trustee / Founder

Penny Seithel is a passionate follower and lover of Jesus.  Wife to Gary, Mom to four fantastic adult kids & spouses, and LuLu to 2 grandchildren and 1 on the way! Penny and Gary have served in leadership capacity with UWM here in the UK for 26 years.  Four years ago, she took her first trip to Uganda, and the people won her heart!  Teaching pastors and leaders through School of Ministries, Uganda, she has seen the need first hand for helping create a shift in cultural thinking and to raise awareness of women and children’s need for education, security and dignity.   She is a voice for those who seemingly are forgotten. 

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Gary Seithel

Trustee / Founder

Gary loves being a husband, Dad & Grandad!  He loves seeing people flourish and reach their full potential as leaders.   He helps people work together to see some of the most challenging needs in communities met in Havering through Across Havering and Rail Pastors.  Teaching and empowering men and women through the School of Ministries in Uganda since 2006 has led to a heart to help children and young people get essential education we take for granted.  They experience the Father’s heart of compassion through our Ugandan partners. 

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Amanda Jackson

Ambassador / Strategist

Amanda is the Director of the Women’s Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance. The Women’s Commission aims to be a voice in the church and the public square on issues of particular interest to women and girls.  She is also the Chair of Kyria Network, which aims to equip and develop healthy female leadership.  Amanda trains women in leadership and Biblical equality and works to strengthen regional networks of women. She helps men and women to work together more effectively.  Amanda is married to Lewis and has two wonderful adult children.

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Nicki Sims


Nicki is Senior Leader of Skylark Church in Chelmsford, a vibrant congregation committed to taking God's love and hope into every arena of society. A visionary leader, Nicki is passionate about the role of the local church as a change-agent in the world. Along with her husband Pete, she also leads Skylark International, a network of churches, charities and ministries. They have two young daughters, Aria and Seren, who keep them on their toes!

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Stephen St James

Trustee / Finance

 Stephen St James is a qualified accountant. After a long career in financial management he has recently been mixing interim assignments with helping to establish charity projects, blending his professional knowledge with a passion to see things change for the better. He has helped establish five charities that operate in the UK and overseas. We’re thankful for His skills and heart to serve with us at IGS.  He is passionate about running, football, sailing and the great outdoors.

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Peter Stern


Peter’s joining IGS has been a distinct circular journey. At 18 years old, as a very young Christian he went as a volunteer with the Church Missionary Society to teach in Kenya. It was there that God called him to do medicine.  Peter loved Africa, and loved the people. It was always on his heart to return.  He believes God is patient with us, and has plans for us.  Peter has been a GP for many years, but it is only in the last two years he has called him to help with medical missions in Uganda, and now another door has opened with IGS.

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Kayleigh Seithel

Trustee / Media & Communications

 Kayleigh is a primary school teacher. She is passionate about education and believes that it has unlimited potential to inspire and empower children. When she’s not in the classroom, Kayleigh can be found serving at IKON church as part of the student leadership team. In her spare time, she enjoys going on adventures with her husband and their miniature dachshund.

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Paul Leaman


 Paul Leaman has been married to Kimmy for almost 40 years, with two children and five grandchildren. He spent 36 years working in clinical, teaching and leadership roles in five ambulance services, and key role as the Assistant CEO for East of England ambulance service. Paul leads Skylark men's ministry and serves on community team. Paul believes the impact IGS will have on children being blessed with shoes, and continuing education which enables them to play a full part in community and society.


Caz Watts

UK Administrator for Senior School Scholarships

We’re super excited to have Caz as part of our UK team. God brought our steps together and we love her creativity and passion for connecting with people. She is instrumental in helping us shape and track goals for our Senior School Scholarships students. She is seeing the difference I GOT SHOES is making with children and young adults are believes this will be life changing for them.

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Viki Seithel

Media & Communications

 Viki, a part of the student mission movement Fusion, works as a Digital Media Developer and can usually be found editing videos, sharing her faith on social media, or helping others to do the same. She is passionate about sharing stories of hope online as well as helping young women to reach their potential. When she isn't doing this, she can be found cycling, riding horses, or drinking lots of iced coffee.